What is live blood screening and how does it work?

blood-testFrom just a single drop of blood, your practitioner will view this through a microscope to investigate the size, shape and ratios of the red cells, white cells and platelets in your blood.

What the practitioner sees under the microscope, you can see on a monitor in front of you.

You may have had blood tests before, but nothing compares to seeing your own blood live on a screen in front of you.

Gain a picture of your health today, with a live blood screening.

Live blood screening is based on the medical science of hematology. It provides an indication of the state of your general health. Live blood screening can help your practitioner assess you for the following factors:

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Immune system function
  • Oxidative stress and free radical damage
  • Inflammation
  • Liver function

Is this blood test right for me?

blood-test-before-afterEven if you aren’t sick, getting a live blood screening is not only fascinating but also an incredible opportunity to develop a clear understanding of your present health. After your initial ‘test’ (please note, this is not a scary test, you can just sit back, relax, have a cup of tea, and let the practitioner show you how fascinating your blood really is) You will receive a copy of the report with photos of your blood screening, complete with a treatment plan.

Where does live blood screening take place?

Right here! We have equipment necessary to view and screen your blood, all in the comfort of our clinic in Crofton Downs.

Why should I get a live blood test?

  • Fast, reliable and totally amazing.
  • See your own blood, live on screen.
  • Discover more about your health issues.
  • Screen for progress throughout treatments, monitor improvement.
  • Discuss treatment protocols with your practitioner.